By Samantha Coffin, Health Coach and Office Manager
Are you ready for us to debunk a myth you may have been believing for years? Eggs do NOT raise your risk of heart disease and they have no effect on your cholesterol. We could drop the mic right there, but instead, let’s dive into why we love eggs and why you should too!
Nutrition Profile of an Egg
Let’s start with eggs as nutrients for our bodies. Eggs are full of vitamins including B2, B6, B12 and D. They are rich in selenium, zinc, iron and copper. Honestly, eggs contain small amounts of several vitamins and minerals our bodies need.
One large egg contains 75 calories, 7 grams of high-quality protein and 5 grams of fat.
The quality of our protein is important. Why? Because our bodies need high-quality protein to function properly both physically and mentally. And bonus, eggs are one of the most affordable sources of high-quality protein.
Seems simple, but remember, not all eggs are created equally. Farm fresh eggs have three to six times the vitamin D content than commercial eggs and the chickens are usually significantly happier. So when you can, buy your eggs locally. In Asheville, ASAP is an incredible resource to find locally sourced foods, including eggs.
4 Ways to Prepare Delicious Eggs
So now you know why you should be eating eggs, but how do you add eggs to your diet? Check out these five easy ways to cook eggs! Let us know your favorites are and share your recipes!
1. Boiled
Boiled eggs are such a great quick snack or on the go option. Start with a small bowl half full of ice water and set it off to the side. Then fill a pot halfway with water. Bring the water to a boil and then with a spoon, gently add eggs to the pot (I usually do at least four at a time). Boil for 7 minutes for soft boiled eggs with a runny yolk, 9 minutes for soft boiled with firmer yolks or 11 for hard-boiled eggs. My personal favorite is right at 10 minutes.
Immediately transfer the eggs to the bowl of ice water and let cool for 5 minutes. This stops them from cooking any further. To peel, crack the bottom of the egg by tapping it on a hard surface, roll it on its side and then peel under cool water. These eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Use the oldest eggs you have for this recipe. It will make a world of difference when it comes to peeling them.
2. Baked
This method is great for busy folks, just like boiled eggs but with a different taste and texture. This recipe may be the easiest on this list. Preheat your oven to 350ºF and grease a muffin tin. Crack one egg into each space. You can add any spices you wish such as herbs, salt and pepper. Bake for about 15-20 minutes, until egg whites are no longer transparent and you are done!
If you do want to bake 12 eggs, fill the empty spaces halfway with water and don’t grease them. You can store them in the fridge or freezer and eat them cold or warm.
You can also use this same method to bake eggs into the center of veggies like a pepper cut into rounds or you can scramble eggs to bake and add diced veggies for mini frittatas.
3. Fried
I grew up on farm-fresh fried eggs, yet when I tried to cook them, I could never cook them the way my mom did. This recipe has proven successful time and time again.
Heat a pan with a cooking fat (I love avocado oil) over medium heat, enough to coat the bottom of the pan evenly. When the fat is warm and has evenly coated the pan, crack egg(s) one by one. You should hear a satisfying sizzle.
For Sunnyside Up, scoop some cooking fat and drizzle over the egg, especially the whites near the yolk. When the yolk is cooked, use a spatula to slide the egg onto your plate.
For eggs cooked on both sides, easy, medium, or hard, use your spatula to flip the egg when the egg white no longer transparent. Cook about 1 more minute for over easy, 3 minutes for over medium and for over hard, after 3 minutes, flip one more time to cook for about 30 more seconds. Some choose to pop the yolk in the pan too, yet I love the runny yolk! Remove egg from the pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Please note, cooking times may vary from stove to stove, so keep an eye on your egg.
4. Scrambled
Imagine a breakfast of yummy scrambled eggs with cut veggies like spinach, peppers and tomatoes, a deconstructed omelet. However you make them, this method makes fluffy and delicious eggs every time!
Crack egg(s) in a small bowl and whisk with salt and pepper to taste. Add non-dairy milk, such as coconut milk if you would like a creamier texture. Mix until eggs appear fluffy and all egg whites are mixed evenly with the yolks. Melt some cooking fat in a pan over medium heat (I love avocado oil). When the fat is warm and has evenly coated the pan, pour the eggs in. Scrape eggs from the bottom so the uncooked egg can get to the heat and repeat this until all eggs are cooked. Add small diced veggies if you choose. Cooking time will vary depending on the number of eggs you are cooking. I love when scrambled eggs are a little shiny, yet not runny.
Tell us, how do you like your eggs? Which method are you excited to try?